We hope you won’t have any problems with your new home although issues can arise from time to time. It is important to know what you are covered for.
Our 10 Year Structural Warranty covers the cost of making good major damage caused by latent defects. This could be due to design, workmanship and/or faulty materials that are part of the Structure of the Residential property.
Under the policy major damage is classed as: destruction of or physical damage to a load bearing element of the Residential Property caused by a Defect in the design, workmanship, material or components of the Structure which adversely affects the Residential Property’s structural stability, resistance to damp and / or water penetration; or a condition requiring immediate remedial action to prevent destruction of or physical damage to a load bearing element of the Residential Property which adversely affects its structural stability, resistance to damp and / or water penetration or a condition requiring immediate remedial action to prevent imminent danger to the health and safety of the occupants caused by a defect in the design, workmanship, material, components of the Structure or failure of the Developer to comply with Building Regulations in respect of chimneys or flues or the costs incurred in repairing, replacing or rectifying any part of the Waterproof Envelope within each Residential Property as a result of ingress of water solely attributable to and caused by a Defect in the design, workmanship, materials or components of the waterproofing elements of the Waterproof Envelope within each Residential Property.
A snag is a small or minor repair and will not affect the structure of the property. Please note that general maintenance and along with wear and tear is the responsibility of the homeowner. If you would like to find out more about what is considered a snag, we have a handy guide available to help.
Our policy is valid for 10 years and includes two key periods. Please note the policy starts on the date stated on your Insurance Period Certificate and not when you moved in.
The first two years (called the Developer liability period).
1. During this Period the developer is responsible for rectifying any defects. You must report these faults to the developer in writing as soon as possible.Years three to ten (known as the Structural insurance Period)
2. During this period, you can contact the claims team who will access your claim. Please refer to your policy document for full details.
The Residential Property is insured for a period of 10 years from the date of practical completion as specified in the Insurance Period Certificate against major damage, as specified in your policy document. During this period, you can contact the claims team who will assess your claim. Please refer to your policy document for full details.
For each residential claim there is a £/€1000 excess and is payable by the homeowner. A claim must cost more than a £/€1000 to meet the requirements as a valid claim. It can be useful to obtain a quote for repair works, to enable you to make an informed decision on how to proceed.
Excess amounts for common areas will be stated on your Insurance Period Certificate. You may wish to speak to your management company prior to submitting a claim.
Any variation of the above will be detailed on the insurnace period certificate, along with amounts for common areas.
Request your policy documents